Lord, I am not worthy of Your consolation, not of any spiritual visitation; and therefore You deal justly with me, when You leave me poor and desolate. For though I could shed a sea of tears, still I would not  be worthy of Your consolation. I am not then worthy of anything but to be scourged and punished; because grievously and often I have offended You, and in many things have greatly sinned. Wherefore, when the true reason is weighed, I am not worthy even of the least consolation.
But You, O gracious and merciful God, who will not that Your works should perish, “to make the riches of his glory known to the objects of his mercy”,† granted, far beyond what was deserved and what can be given by other men, comfort to Your servant. For Your consolations are not like  the platitudes of men. What have I done, O Lord, that You should bestow any heavenly comfort on me? I remember not that I have done any good, but that I have always been prone to sin, and slow to amend. This is true, and I cannot deny it. If I should say otherwise, You would stand against me,† and there would be none to defend me. What have I deserved for my sins, but Hell and everlasting fire? I confess in very truth that I am worthy of all scorn and contempt, nor is it fit that I should be remembered among